Jocelyn Harper has been designing webpages since she was able to get her parents to agree to a monthly subscription of AOL. After learning HTML to customize her AOL profile, more searching found a group of teenagers that were using a combination of HTML and CSS to put out 2-week layouts on their personal blogs. From that moment, she was hooked on design.

Fifteen years later, she rediscovered her passion for creating and paired that with the love of the challenge of solving complex problems through successfully completing a 12-week Java boot camp Zip Code Wilmington. Following the program, she accepted a position as a Java developer with a Fortune 100 company. After nearly two years, Jocelyn now works as a full-stack developer where she is honing her skills and finding a love for DevOps.

When a loud voice for diversity and inclusion among technologists, you can find her playing Overwatch, Fortnite, or watching 90s anime. She is still particularly found of Sailor Moon and still wonders on a daily basis if she should get a cat and name her Luna.